FINANCIAL PROFESSIONALS may login to access Advisor specific information not available to the general public.

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Advisor Registration

Registration Form


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You need to know:

Please note, registration for this portion of the website is for registered representatives of broker/dealers or independent advisor representatives of RIAs ONLY. The information contained herein is not relevant information for direct Timothy Plan investors. Registered reps and advisor representatives are encouraged to register to access instruction for utilizing Timothy Plan in the service of their clients. In addition, marketing materials, management information and institutional forms are contained within.

  • How Can i register in the site ?

    Since we have moved to a whole new way of obtaining registration infomration, we require all advisors to register or re-register to access advisor-only conent. After you register, using the form on the left, you will need to log in. Once logged in, Advisor only content will appear in the exisiting site. So Advisors will not longer have to toggle between two separate sites to obtain information. We hope you will find our integrated site more usful to you and your practice.
  • Can I change my profile ?

    Advisor profile pages are being created and you will have access to update your information.
  • How can I change my details ?

    Once Advisor's profile pages are finished being developed, we will provide a link to update your information.
  • What is Exception policy ?

    Only registered representatives of broker/dealers or independent advisor representatives of RIAs can have access to the Advisor site. The information contained herein is not relevant information for direct Timothy Plan investors. Registered reps and advisor representatives are encouraged to register to access instruction for utilizing Timothy Plan in the service of their clients.