Minimize equity volatility with the goal of generating current high income
Timothy Plan’s Market Neutral ETF is an actively managed exchange traded fund that employs a propriety market neutral investment strategy designed to seek income from its investments while maintaining a low correlation to the foreign and domestic equity and bond markets. ETFs trade like stocks. Call +1 (800) 846-7526 or chat online if you need any assistance.
The fund seeks high current income and low correlation to stocks and bonds. Low correlation means limiting exposure to stock market risk.
The Fund uses a multi-strategy approach. First, it seeks income from long positions in foreign and domestic dividend producing equity securities of any market capitalization size. Second, the fund seeks to offset market risk by selling short high-correlating equity index futures contracts, such as the S&P 500 Index, Russell 2000 or MSCI EAFE Indexes, or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that track such indexes.
The Index then eliminates the companies that do not satisfy the eVALUEator proprietary Biblically Responsible Investing (“BRI”) filtering criteria.